

  • Developed 30+ websites.
  • Developed 10+ web apps.
  • Developed 5 JavaScript mini-games.
  • Developed 3 iOS apps.
  • Developed websites and applicationsĀ for 30+ clients.
  • DevelopedĀ applicationsĀ for 3 Fortune 500 companies, 4 digital agencies, and 3 SaaS software companies.
  • Completed 70+ technical courses from Stanford, University of Washington, Seattle Central College, Code Fellows, and various online resources.
  • Completed 40+ general education and business courses from University of Washington.
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate.

Client Work

  • Developed the localization system and ETL process for multilingual support of a biotech application.
  • Architected the technology stack and development pipeline of two SaaS products.
  • Designed and implemented the cloud infrastructure for two SaaS products using Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes Engine, Istio, Container Registry, Network services, Storage, Cloud SQL, Monitoring, Logging, Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Trace, and Cloudflare.
  • Architected the AngularJS frontend of a CRM application for a Fortune 500 commercial real estate company.
  • Developed custom websocket publish subscribe and channels framework for real time applications.
  • Advocated best practices including test driven development, automated API documentation, automated database backups, GitFlow, Prettier code formatting.
  • Developed authentication and authorization systems using JWT, OAuth, and Express middleware.
  • Conducted DevOps and engineering training on topics including Kubernetes, API performance optimizations, automated testing, and database management.
  • Set up local development environments with Docker Compose and onboarded other developers.
  • Developed an analytics and mapping application with leaflet and esri for sales managers of a Fortune 500 commercial real estate company.
  • Worked as a founding engineer of a Seattle startup where I worked on Ruby on Rails backend, AngularJS frontend, D3 visualizations, and Salesforce API integrations.
  • Implemented SQL eager loading with Node.js to improve the speed of API endpoints by 10x.
  • Implemented Jaccard similarity algorithm for comparing employees based on skillset.
  • Developed a KPOP sweepstakes site that attracted over 85,000 visitors on launch day.
  • Co-founded a productivity startup where I developed the first iOS prototype and contributed to the backend API.
  • Developed a slack app using bolt.js.
  • Wrote a PHP script that detects and removes duplicate CSS selectors in a codebase of a huge legacy marketing website.
  • Wrote a Python script that automates the process of generating AMPscript email templates in over 30 different languages.
  • Implemented webpack bundle splitting for a large React application to improve load time.
  • Revamped frontend gulp build process for a large single page application.
  • Wrote a popular blog article about how to organize gulp scripts.
  • Wrote technical blog articles covering topics including: Django, Elasticsearch, RxJS, AngularJS, and Gulp.
  • Presented on various topics including: Django, Elasticsearch, D3, Docker, Kubernetes, Node.js, MongoDB.
  • Conducted training on various topics including: JavaScript, AngularJS, SQL, Docker, Kubernetes.
  • Developed an Unsplash image search plugin using RxJS.

Side Projects

  • Developed “DeetCode”, an algorithm visualizer for JavaScript.
  • Developed “Full Stack Book”, a full stack web dev course platform.
  • Developed “Green Big Bowl”, a recipe sharing and meal planning web app.
  • Developed “Bieber Pong”, a mini-game which attracted over 2000 players and featured on multiple publications.
  • Developed “The League of Thrones”, a Game of Thrones fantasy league prediction website
  • Developed an open-source slot machine game.
  • Developed “Final Reality”, a real time top down RPG proof of concept with WebRTC streaming technology.
  • Developed a stock market trade tracker and calendar application with Interactive Brokers API integration.
  • Developed a SaaS sweepstakes website builder that supported wildcard subdomains and payment processing with Stripe.
  • Developed a real-time text-based zombie apocalypse game using Node.js and where you can team up with multiple players to defeat never-ending waves of zombies.
  • Ported an Asteroids game from a Python course over to HTML5 and JavaScript.
  • Developed a Ruby script for quickly generating a rails website with a sweepstakes form.
  • Developed a Ruby gem for quickly generating WordPress themes.
  • Developed a tournament bracket application in Ruby on Rails that supported persisting a tree structure in PostgreSQL.
  • Developed a cryptocurrency to USD calculator Chrome extension.
  • Developed a photo gallery application with PHP and CodeIgniter.
  • Developed a lightweight CMS Ruby gem that can be imported into any Rails project.
  • Developed a flashcard app to help with rapidly memorizing library APIs.
  • Developed a blank WordPress theme for use as a starting point for WordPress projects.
  • Developed a Docker, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Knex.js boilerplate for rapid development.
  • Developed web scrapers to pull API documentation from various websites.
  • Developed a photo sharing app with a backend in Ruby on Rails and iOS client in Objective-C.
  • Developed a Ruby script for exporting Evernote HTML files into txt files.